Happiness begins with a smile.

White House Dental

White House Dental is conveniently located on the corner of West Drive and Hwy 31W in The Gallery Shopping complex. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of dental medicine along with friendly, compassionate service.

Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have prior to your visit. Call us at (615) 581-5000.

Our Blog

The Information You Need to Keep Your Smile Beautiful

Our Blog

The Information You Need to Keep Your Smile Beautiful

Soda Versus Our Teeth

Soda Versus Our Teeth

When we eat or drink something with sugar in it, the sugar sticks to our teeth afterward. Sugar itself doesn’t do any damage to our oral health, but it is unfortunately the favorite food of the bacteria that lives in our mouths. These bacteria eat the sugar and then excrete acids that erode our tooth enamel, leading to tooth decay. They also cause inflammation that increase the risk of gum disease…

The Bare Bones Of Gum Recession

The Bare Bones Of Gum Recession

NO ONE LOOKS FORWARD to getting “long in the tooth” because of gum recession. However, while tooth length might be an accurate yardstick for judging the age of a horse, age is not the culprit behind receding gums in humans. Gum recession is simply such a gradual process that it can take decades before the effects are noticeable…

Nail Biting And Oral Health

Nail Biting And Oral Health

WE CALL SUSPENSEFUL BOOKS “nail-biters,” but the habit of nail biting itself has less exciting connotations. The most obvious consequence is torn, uneven nails, and in particularly severe cases, nails that become dramatically shortened and deformed over time. This alone would be enough of a reason to discourage the habit, but far more insidious are the effects of…

Dental Sealants Have Our Seal Of Approval

Dental Sealants Have Our Seal Of Approval

AS PARENTS, our children’s well-being is always our top priority, and their dental health is a big part of that. It’s important to take good care of their baby teeth, of course, but what can we do to ensure that their permanent teeth get off to a good start? A Child’s...

Medications’ Impact On Oral Health

Medications’ Impact On Oral Health

MANY OF US need to take medications to treat a wide variety of conditions. However, even as those medications treat our illnesses, they could be causing problems for our teeth and gums. Medicine And Oral Chemistry Some medications—even some vitamins—can damage our...

White House Dental

323 West Drive
White House, TN 37188
Phone: (615) 581-5000
Dr. Jennifer Sanford

Monday: 8AM - 5PM
Tuesday: 8AM - 4PM
Wednesday: 8AM - 5PM
Thursday: 8AM - 5PM

323 West Drive
White House, TN 37188
Phone: (615) 581-5000
Dr. Jennifer Sanford